Posted by
Paul Sadai
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Friday, March 05, 2010
Have you changed your look lately? Was there one key change like new glasses or a haircut that made the difference? is my recent photo and my new blog template.
Hi! It's a pleasure meeting you all. My name is Paul Sadai Jangoi. I'm a Bidayuh from Kampung Peraya, Padawan, Kuching, Sarawak. I drive Toyota Hilux 2.5 Turbo. I use Nikon D90 camera. I first started my blog last May after seeing what it can do to me and how it promotes myself and my environments. Furthermore, I can see and make new friends. After I injured my knee, I couldn't play tennis any more. So, I turned into farming a good prospect for my retirement.
Wow!!! mcm Raja Petra hehehe
You don talk like that nanti I kena tangkap. this is me bro, genuine!Pakar teeeeennis, n motivasi